Free Live Masterclass!

"The 3 Big Secrets That Allowed Me to Build a Million-Dollar Business As a Busy Homeschool Mom of Five - Without Sacrificing My Family!"

What people had to say about this masterclass:

"The 5-part system was GOLD!!" - Heidi
"This was a wonderful overview of the whole launch process, I love the distilled knowledge!" - Cortney

"I've been focusing on the wrong things! Thank you!" - Andrew

"Thank you! As a homeschool mama this has even me hope." - Regan

"I also took tons of notes, loved how you didnt shy away from being a Christian." - Kayla

"I love how you explained the niching formula. I have never heard it explained that way before. Thank you!" - Brittany

This live training is for YOU if... 

⚜️ You don't know how to balance kids, life, and family AND build a business at the same time

⚜️ You're stuck! Either you don't know what to sell yet, or your existing business is not growing the way you want

⚜️ You want a proven system and framework from someone who's actually done it (and aligns with your values!)

Watch the Preview

Here's what you'll learn in this class!

PLUSSSS... check out the bonuses just for attending!

How I make TIME for my business while being so busy with life, kids, and homeschooling

My 5-step framework for building any type of business to 6 & 7 figures from scratch

My exact formula for choosing the right NICHE and product to sell!

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Plus... get these goodies just for attending live!

 I remember what it was like very clearly... 

Have you ever felt like your big business dreams just aren't possible?

I've been there. The frustration of living paycheck to paycheck was not only frustrating but also stressful… on life and our marriage. 

Despite not having extra time or money...

Despite barely graduating high school...

Despite not having any identifiable skills… 

...that did not stop me. 

In the last 8 years, I’ve built 2 companies, totaling over 20 million dollars while homeschooling our 5 kids.

It CAN be done. 

And I want to show you how by sharing the 3 secrets that made it possible.

So... are you in?